"What language they then use to describe you and the rest of the trans community impacts you deeply."
In my experience, this is in reverse. They suddenly have new opinions about you due to their perceptions of the rest of the trans community even when they've known you for a long time.
Who you are ceases to exist and you become just another of 'those' stereotypical people even when you have almost nothing in common with them, even when you've left said community for same.
As a transitioned binary trans woman of nearly 20 years, I'm tired of being defined by other people's behavior and politics.
Things used to be quiet for us. We left people alone and they left us alone. Now I'm old and ornery and don't want to fight this war all over again, but here the community is, stoking the fire with emotionally unhinged online activism that only fuels the narcissists on the right.
It used to just be a loud minority creating conflict, but even our mainstream representation is whacked out now. Looking at you, Dylan Mulvaney.
And I had absolutely no input on any of these decisions, because I was out doing what you're supposed to do after transition: living my life.
I never wanted to be back here, and I certainly do not define myself in the context of a community that only values the most radical voices and has decided to cancel the term that best describes me and other women like me: 'transsexual'.
We will not be erased.