The right isn’t godly.
Why doesn’t anybody ever talk about the fact that Christianity and conservatism are just narcissism with extra steps?!

Think about it. They project their hypocritical authoritarianism onto a nebulous godhead that promises to smite unbelievers, and forces the rest of us to live by the rules of their delusional existence by penalty of persecution in this life and threat of damnation in the ‘next’. Then they claim persecution.
Victim and
And here’s the how-to:
Look, I’m not fond of the militant activist tactics of the far left either, and I have been regularly attacked by people with whom I mostly agree — to an extent I find utterly embarrassing for all leftists.
Knee-jerk friendly fire is definitely a problem. So is performative allyship. Most leftists wave a flag, but never actually put in any work to create a better world. Don’t be an ally. Be an accomplice!
In fact, both of these issues push me towards the middle, even as my political philosophy of libertarian socialism is constantly invalidated by people hopelessly dependant on a two-party system that is either rottenly corrupt or entirely inept, depending on whom you ask.
But of course, I also can’t stand to live in a country arbitrarily controlled by a right-wing cheat machine that only sees life through a distorted Biblical lens (read: claiming the religious canon of man as divine law), justifies it by exploiting freedom of religion while ignoring freedom from religion, and exports their cultism to the rest of the world.
Then they create debate tactics that rely on force, not facts, to be even remotely effective. Their moral weakness is on display for all to see.
It’s just a game to them, and facts don’t care about their feelings, yet they know how to maintain and wield tyranny of the majority — even though most polls show that their own supporters don’t even want the draconian rule right-wing politicians propose; they merely tolerate it.
That said, their claims of constitutionality are just another hypocritical appropriation of righteousness as a tool of destruction because they have literally nothing else.
We’ve made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again! The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!
~Jean-Luc Picard
Yes, this quote was contextually about revenge, but it can also be taken literally to say, “enough is fucking enough; I do not consent to letting this fascist bullshit spread globally.”