Narcissists don’t need to assault you to harm you physically.
Take my ex husband, for example:
The first time I had a cellulitis infection, I told him the doctor ordered me to the ER and I needed him to take me, but he tried to get out of it by saying he was on an important phone call.
Then I had a second cellulitis infection (I suspect he caused both by putting the black mold in the bathroom on my razor) and rolled around in bed for two days without getting up except to pee.
When I was little, I was punished for getting medical treatment, so while I was in septic shock I kept saying, “no ambulance, no ambulance.” But obviously I was not lucid.
According to my son, he asked my ex husband if he was going to take me to the hospital, to which he replied, “I have it taken care of.”
He worked the entire time and hardly checked up on me. He clearly wanted me to suffer for daring to challenge him the first time.
I nearly lost my leg and later realized he probably did it to get me to quit stripping at adult theaters he wanted to frequent.
Wouldn’t you know I still went into work with a purple leg?