Satire: A few words about Prop 8 (2010)
Discrimination is an American value
Discrimination has been around since the dawn of time. It’s an American value and a family value. Damn those gays and their agenda to change everything, destroy marriage, and indeed destroy all religion, or God forbid remind the voters that religion is faith, not fact. How dare they compare us to Muslim extremists? We have nothing in common. We don’t kill people, we only oppress them with our morality and micro-manage and destroy their lives, then make them feel ashamed for the way God made them. What’s wrong with that? It’s His will for us.
…except gays
It’s OUR job as Christians: to make sure God’s will is done… even though we don’t have a clue what His will is or if He even exists, but it’s our spiritual manifest destiny. If we believe it, then it is so for everyone. According to the Bible, God defined marriage by divine mandate and He wants us to smite the gays from His Earth, so why should we let them dictate to us who we can discriminate against? Our logic is as righteous as our faith.
Oppression means smaller government
By telling the government who they can and cannot join in legal unions, we are limiting government’s role in our lives. While that may sound paradoxical, we believe that it is not, therefore it is not. The Libertarian Party, those quasi-conservatives, don’t believe we live in a Christian nation. Again, even though the Founding Fathers, devout Christians most, had the foresight to create a secular government, their personal beliefs should speak louder than their actions because we say it is so.
We don’t heed history. It contradicts our faith.
Brown vs. Board of Ed has nothing to do with this. Civil unions are the same as marriages, so your ‘marriage’ is between my God and me. Even though we’ve offered to compromise, we just cannot allow tax advantages, guaranteed family medical coverage, and hospital visitation rights for gay couples or allow all families to have the same opportunities. We cannot ever teach children that same-sex partners cohabitate because we must shelter them from the truth: 10% of the population is gay, including some of our own children, and God said they should never have a relationship as satisfying as a marriage and the last thing we want to do is tell our gay children that it’s OK to have happy families.
It does not take a village to raise a child; to hell with Hillary. It takes one man and one woman. No more, no less. God won’t stand for people choosing their own families. He will tell you who you and your family are, and we are His machines of loving grace. It is against His will to oppose us. You cannot call your relationship a ‘marriage,’ or vote no on 8, because the word marriage is more important than equal rights.
Save yourself from eternal damnation. Vote Yes on 8.
Originally published at on August 4, 2010.