On Giving
Fill your glass before you pour your energy into someone else’s.
You know what you are? You’re a giver. You want to help create a healthy and happy world. But guess what? You’re going to get taken advantage of when you do things for people expecting nothing in return. Why?
Because as much as we might see that as being human, we live in a hyper individualist society, it’s almost invariably confused with fawning, and its far too often taken as an invitation for abuse.
But you can’t change yourself because it hands them a win. The only solution I can come up with is to try to choose better people to share yourself with and spread it around more thinly, if you have the spoons. Don’t let people depend on you without consent, or let you down. Know your limits and when to pull the plug.
None of this is easy, and the struggle is constant, but I don’t see a better way forward.
We’re in this together.