OK, well. I knew at 4, so I literally never said that it doesn't happen. I even said that it causes us to select gender appropriate role models, so I don't know why you're inundating me with a bunch of facts that I already know and are - to me, at least - not relevent to the argument.
Having a particular gender identity does not preclude gender from being a social construct.
Kid's brains correlate their gender identity by watching adults perform gender, roles and fashions of each fluctuating over time.
Sure, their brain tells them which to follow, but follow they do nonetheless. It's just that most kids don't question it because they're cis.
But we still indoctrinate them into gender roles. They learn it from watching us. I agree on the neurology, but you lose me on the sociology.
If gender wasn't a social construct, feminism wouldn't have succeeded in uncoupling cis women from their reproductive burdens. Their job would be to rear children.
The other option is bioessentialism, which would prevent transition, and wouldn't the patriarchy love that?!
I also don't have any issues with minimal gatekeeping for safety and triage reasons, and I seriously doubt a biological test would rule me out, so that's not my issue.
My issue is logistical: if gender isn't a social construct, then what is transition?