Is this rage bait?
It's been my experience that people only don't accept me when they can use my transness against me to get something that they want. That's not OK, but the consequences of jealousy happen to everyone for whatever reason. It's not gender specific.
I call this 'secondary transphobia'. It happens when people do anything they can to get ahead. It's a manifestation of the infighting that the powers that be continue to instigate against minorities in order to take the focus off of themselves.
In my nearly 20 years, I have experienced only one incident of primary transphobia. It was very early in my transition and in dealing with Dianic Wiccans who are notoriously anti-penis and often practice the craft skyclad (nude). It didn't feel very good, but I understood it because I'm not a pushy, entitled man.
However, the idea that we all entirely missed out on girlhood misses the mark when discussing traumatic experiences. Many of us have experienced gender-based violence as male presenting people who did not also represent male archetypes. Not to mention, many of us have always been feminists.
So yes, we have also experienced biological discrimination. It's a different discrimination than cis women, no doubt, and that's clearly relevant to the cis female experience, but it isn't everything.
At the end of the day, women who define themselves by their reproductive organs have their own sexism and possibly misogyny to deal with. There's more to being a woman than popping out babies and at one level or another, all non-men know it.
Are we exactly the same? No. Of course not. Are we the same enough to be on the same team? Yes.
And yes, these are my experiences as someone nearly always perceived as cis, but this article almost makes it sound as if passing an acceptance our entirely impossible for everyone across the board.
It may come for what many people consider superficial reasons, but I find this article self defeating, even insulting.