If you dont think rape culture is real, you might be a rapist.
Men, you have run out of excuses for not opposing it.
[CW: rape (obvi)]
One of my first adult experiences, long before transition, was having to call the police on my roommate for attempting to rape a mutual friend.
For my trouble, his lawyer tried to get me removed from our apartment for doing so, and the judge outright laughed at him.
Then our mutual employer raped me in retaliation.
This after he sent a drunk woman to my apartment to have sex with me. I turned her down and we just cuddled until she got sober. I took her home safely the next morning, and I never saw her again.
Then after one of his flying monkeys accused me of a crime I didn’t commit, I spent a day or so in jail while they robbed my apartment. It took me outhinking the entire group of them to get myself out of trouble.
The other important part of this story is that the mutual employer was the DJ who first trained me, who is still working in the Boston area without issue.
In fact, my father, knowing what happened, hired him to DJ his wedding and didn’t tell me about it. I found out when I arrived and I was expected to behave.
Because that’s how narcissists do.
Do you know why all this happened? Because nobody else would tell anybody that what they were doing was wrong. That right there is the epitome of fucking rape culture.
Don’t even get me started on my time as a strip club DJ when I was accused of rape by the rapist owners for not committing rape.
It was the same thing here. They made me responsible for a drunken dancer and I didn’t touch her, so I didn’t pass their test and they violently ran me off.
And sure you could ask why you’d want to get yourself involved in situations like that, but this was in the late ’90s and despite presenting male, I was a feminine teenager.