I have two issues with this piece.
First, there *are* many mental health issues that cause identity instability, and most are more common than being trans. At the same time, there are trans people being very loud about having mental health conditions that are *not* common, such as DID, and that usually indicates a Cluster B disorder.
Are these people trans? Maybe. Maybe not. Insisting that they all are is just 'take it or leave it' for the left. Overlooking obvious mental health concerns is political, not medical, and it's only a recent development. More scrutiny used to be required, but now medical practitioners are under fire by trans activists every time they DON'T give out hormones like Pez.
Informed consent is a very low bar for something so profound, especially without a documented history of gender non-conformity.
And secondly, this is WHY the waiting lists are so long.
Incidentally, I do agree that this mentality should apply to cis kids, too. It's clearly a double standard.
However, satisfaction rate reporting ignores that most people who detransition simply desist and cease their medical transitions, never affecting these numbers.
Almost *nothing* has a 99% satisfaction rate.
So this is far more complicated than both sides are trying to make it out to be.