How I Found My Names (Or They Found Me)
What’s in a name, right? Turns out a lot. So here’s the story of my many, many names over the years:
Let’s start from the very beginning. I was assigned male at birth, and such a regrettable occurance demanded correction. When I started transition, my ex wife chose Britney because she had a crush on the pop star and it was the first thing that came to mind. I only used it in sex work for a short while because it was so damn on the nose at the time.
When I got into porn, I felt it was time to correct that. I also needed a last name and I wanted my full stage name to reflect my ethnicity and alliterate. The sexiest Italian surname I could think of was Bellucci, and I chose Bella to match.
Well, would you believe nobody could spell Bellucci properly?! So because I was really starting to get into doll play at the time, I finally became Bella Doll. How easy is that?
I’ve also used Ashley because I like it (and there’s a joke that every blonde has used this name at one point or another), Michelle for reasons, Anya because of Buffy, and Samantha as an homage to Samantha Carter of Stargate SG-1. I use Echo for my fetish escorting and service topping because it’s a play on the story of she and Narcissus and I’m cheeky like that.
My legal name was easier. When I was 15, I was turned on to Sarah McLachlan by a counselor as I was being moved from a DSS (DCFS) run assessment program. She claimed to be psychic and gave me a poor sounding cassette copy of Fumbling Towards Ecstasy that I couldn’t really make out with my auditory processing issues and all.
She told me I would “know what it means someday.” She also told me I was in for a difficult life. Then she cried for me. It totally wasn’t depressing at all. Really. 😂
When I got to my next foster home, I had access to a CD copy of Fumbling. I fell in love HARD (and I attended Lilith Fair three times). I considered other names for a short time while I was deciding, but I pretty much always knew I was Sarah.
There’s also a story to my middle name, but if I told it, I’d be giving away too much. 😝