The most important thing you should know about me is that I *hate* marketing myself. My ideas are far more important than my existence, and my identity and experience - to me - only exist as means to develop those ideas... and ideals. They inform a way to see the world that few other people can claim. They are both my vehicle and my raison d'etre. They are my offering.
Intersectionality is a thing, and most people see the world through their own privilege, or lack thereof. While I appear to be a neurotypical, cishet, white tradmom, the reality is far more complicated.
On the one hand, I love the subversion of that; but on the other, it makes finding my place in society difficult. Being so different gives one lemons, and after spending the time to understand what I can and can't change about myself, I've decided it's time to make some lemonade, helping others see how 'the other half' lives.
And not just from my perspective, but from the perspectives of other people who see things that the mainstream simply can't. I'm here to help facilitate discussions among the people on the margins, the underdogs, the people this world isn't built for.
The hope is that it will motivate others to work towards a more egalitarian society - because everyone should have a place in it.
Follow me and learn more about who I am and what I've learned. A *lot* more.
Because, believe me, I couldn't make this shit up if I tried.
"... outspoken; smart; somewhat (of) a cage fighter; a sweet, caring soul that may have (had) some hot sauce tossed in during the making; strong-willed; independent; a voice with a reason to be heard; a voice with a purpose."
"... realist, but still keeping sight of ideals; analytical; kind; forthright, articulate/well spoken; sensitive, but no pushover."